Hello you wonderful woman.
I am Psychicangelis. Your Free Psychic Reader.
Here you get my Psychic Tip of the Day for every day of the week.
These tips I have gained from many 1000s of readings.
Further down I present you my free psychic readings for all of your questions.
They contain a lot of wisdom for everyday life.
A suggestion from me how you could proceed with the Tip of the Day.
Just read through the Psychic Tip of the Day.
Then think about how you could implement it today.
Don't take on too much. One little thing is enough.
If you want, write it down on a piece of paper and keep it with you throughout the day.
Here are the tips for the whole week
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+++ Monday
+++ Tuesday
+++ Wednesday
+++ Thursday
+++ Friday
+++ Saturday
+++ Sunday
And think - what is really the problem? Is it actually related to your partner's or colleague's behavior? Or did you have a bad day and get upset about something else?
Often we don't really vent until we get home. A small thing becomes a matter of state. If there really is a conflict that you see in your partner's behavior, think about it first if possible.
Please stop for a moment and read this again: Think about what you want. Not what you don't want.
If you only vent your negative feelings, this will not necessarily lead to insight.
Check it with a phone psychic? Come on here.
Argue calmly, objectively, purposefully and from your own point of view: e.g. "I feel insecure when you have so much contact with your ex-girlfriend. I wish you would tell me what your conversations are about so I don't have to be jealous."
It is difficult to change another person's behavior. One's own, on the other hand, is where one has the most influence.
Today's advice on monday from Psychicangelis:
When something or someone upsets you, stop for a moment. Take 3 deep breaths and think about what you want. Then argue calmly and objectively.
Soon you will see how it strengthens the relationship with your partner or colleague and also makes you happier yourself, as you look for commendable qualities and not just see the other person's quirks.
Small attentions show that you are thinking about the person you love. It doesn't have to be the big, expensive gifts - a little something now and then is enough to make someone's day. It could be a small love letter or a bar of their favorite chocolate.
Want to text a psychic? Here we go.
Or even just a word of praise.
But please be careful with this in a professional environment. Praise should really be sincere and not meant in an overbearing way. The line is thin here. You know what I mean.
Another tip from the practice of a psychic reader: Praise is only well received if it can be recognized by the other person in the context of a particular situation.
So praise directly and if possible immediately. By the way, how often have you praised yourself today? That is also allowed!
Because why are we always so sparing with it or do we keep the nice thoughts in our head? If you think to yourself at work: Wow, that new jacket looks really good on your colleague - tell her!
If your boyfriend makes you laugh all the time - tell him how funny he is. If the clerk at the supermarket checkout always smiles so nicely - thank him for his kindness.
Even small kind phrases can completely change someone's day for the better.
Practice mindfulness. Observe yourself - what do you feel, when does something bother you, what are you happy about? And also observe your partner - what annoys him, what does he find great, what makes him downright euphoric?
Want to discuss it and get a free psychic reading by email? Then come over here.
With this knowledge you can better assess yourself and your partner and do something good for your relationship.
Special tip from an experienced psychic reader: we should speak compliments and other niceties into the left ear of our counterpart.
According to a study, nice words said into the left ear are remembered by 70 percent - with the right ear it is only 58 percent.
The reason for this is that the left ear and the right hemisphere of the brain are closely connected - and the right hemisphere reacts more intensively to emotional stimuli.
Do you know this thought too? "To be loved, I have to please others." Many of us still think of others before ourselves. Always the feelings and desires of others are more important than our own.
One gives in to receive love. As a result, at some point we don't feature at all in our lives. What a pity! The counter question is: Who am I if I take my very own originality and individuality seriously also in love?
What do I need then?
By the way, this is a very good question for a
Love Psychic Reading.
"You have to be perfect to be loved." Sound familiar?
This phrase becomes a false measuring stick for us - and for the men we desire. After all, we basically know that no man is perfect. And that we want nothing more in love than honesty and authenticity: to love each other's weaknesses, too; to be loved for our flaws, too.
Just reach for your cell phone, write a text message, e-mail, Whatsapp, postcard or letter: with nothing but a nice and positive message.
Along the lines of, "I just wanted to tell you today how much I like your laugh." Or, "I was just thinking about how much fun we had at tennis practice last week - it really made me feel good." Warming others' hearts with little messages makes you feel a lot better yourself!
Want to talk it over
in a free psychic chat? Come on here.
Sound good to you? Who would you like to just call today and put a little smile on their face? Maybe you're thinking, no, I can't just do that. The other person might find it intrusive. Maybe there will be a rejection and I will be rejected.
Psychic's tip of the day: to practice, just pick a person with whom it's guaranteed to work. A very close friend, for example.
Listen! Who always only sends, receives nothing and learns nothing. We should consciously take time to direct our communication to listening.
Whether it's a short chat at the garden fence or a conversation with loved ones on the sofa. It is important to simply let the other person talk. In this way, we also perceive nuances that we would otherwise probably have missed.
It's perfectly okay to want to share yourself with others. You want to express your concerns.
Maybe you want to find out more in your free psychic tarot card readings here.
It feels good to be heard. That is completely o.k. But try it the other way around. Just today.
And only in a conversation with someone who makes it easy for you to listen.
There is an old saying: The best conversationalists are those who only listen. Well, you don't have to be that strict today. But just give it a try.
Just give away a smile: sometimes we see people on the street who inspire us. Who look like they could tell great stories. Or we discover an old woman looking sadly out of the window while we're out for a walk. In such moments, a smile does the other person good. Even if we feel like we're being pushy.
Everybody needs positive signals!
Start by
asking a free psychic question here.
Please note, however, that it may seem a bit strange for the other person to be smiled at by a stranger. It may also make you feel a little uncomfortable.
Start with people who are familiar to you. Smile for just a split second. It will still be noticed and will most likely seem friendly and not intrusive.
You deserve to be a child of love.
The best psychic tip of today: dig a little deeper into Psychicangelis free psychic answers and predictions down here.